Space Clearing (a branch of feng shui) is a beautiful and sacred ceremony that works at a deep energetic level to cleanse, purify and uplift your space.
Naturally over time, energies build up or are imprinted in a space, and Space Clearing is the technique used to clear out the energetic residue. Think of it as spring cleaning on a deep energetic level.
At the same time, Space Clearing is about much more than clearing old or stuck energies out of your home. It raises the frequencies in your home to support and revitalize you in reaching for your highest aspirations. Depending on how ready you are for personal change, it can be a deeply transformative experience as well.
Step 1: Preparation
Your Space Clearing actually begins from the moment you book your appointment! Before we meet, I will ask you to contemplate the highest, big picture aspirations for your life. It can also be as simple as; you feel stuck and want to experience more flow in life.
When I arrive we will sit down and clarify the focus of the consultation. I will then do an initial hand sensing circuit, getting acquainted with the energies imprinted in your space.
I will then build a unique personal altar for the ceremony. Each altar is specifically designed for each client. No two are alike.
Step 2: Clearing & Purifying
I will then work on clearing out any stagnant or negative imprints from the space, with attention given to walls as well as furniture.
Step 3: Consecration
We will then work to infuse into your space your highest aspirations for the future. This is part of the ceremony called “harmony ball frequencing”, and is a remarkable part of the ceremony. You will be able to keep your harmony ball after the ceremony. Before we end we will also come up with an action plan so you can more easily move forward with the insights gained from the Space Clearing.
Read more about Space Clearing on Karen Kingston’s Web site.