Making Space For Things You Truly Love
Clutter in our home or office can create stuckness in our lives and block the flow of energy in our space.
It can also contribute to a lack of clarity in our mental state and get in the way of productivity.
Space Clearing can be an important part of clutter clearing — in a Space Clearing we will look to discover the cause of the clutter in the first place as well as make a plan of action.
…have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful…. ~ William Morris
Clutter can be anything in our space that we do not truly love, anything that depletes our energy instead of raising it. Sometimes we also just have too much stuff for the amount of space we have and some decisions need to be made about what to keep and what is not serving the best interest of the space.
In Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, Karen Kingston writes about the transformational process of clearing clutter. She also expertly guides the reader into understanding the causes of having clutter, identifying it and then clearing it. I would strongly suggest reading this book for deep inspiration and insight on clutter and its impact on our lives.
A Space Clearing can be a great way to start your clutter clearing, particularly if you feel stuck.
Please note: At this time I am not working with clients to do clutter clearing.
Clutter Clearing Tips
• Set aside a certain amount of time each day or each week to do clutter clearing.
• Work on one area at a time.
• Listen to happy, upbeat music as you work.
• Consider setting a timer for each area you are working on. If a room feels overwhelming, tell yourself you will work for 15 minutes and then stop. One step at a time.
• Make sure to keep a window open for a fresh flow of air.
• Wear bright, cheerful colors as you work.
• With each object you are considering, ask yourself, “Does this raise my energy or lower it?” Don’t keep things that make you feel sad or depressed.
• Consider enlisting the help of a friend.